Academic Year 2024-25 Update
The Darkroom will be open during spring break from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the week (the darkroom will close early on Thursday by 4 p.m.) and 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. over the weekend. Regular hours of operation will resume on Monday, March 17th.
Mandatory Orientation
Priority for new orientations will be given to students enrolled in a darkroom course. Students who have previously completed a Film Processing and Darkroom orientation will retain access throughout the spring semester. Those interested in developing black-and-white film or darkroom printing should contact the ERC to schedule an orientation.
Reservation / Use Protocol
Students wishing to use this space must check in at the front desk, located in the fifth-floor lobby of 66 Fifth Avenue. Those with the required prior training for the respective resources may schedule appointments at the desk.
About the Darkroom
Darkroom lab facilities located on the fifth floor of 66 Fifth Avenue include:
- a 20-station black-and-white darkroom equipped with Bessler enlargers capable of printing 4″ x 5″ negatives
- a film developing area
- a color-balanced print viewing room that allows students to make precise color corrections
- a print finishing room for drying, pressing, and mounting photographs
** Restrictions apply. Contact us ( for more information.
Featured Equipment and Tools
- Photographic Enlarger
(212) 229-8923 ext.4242 - Hashem Eaddy, Facilities Manager
(212) 229-8923 ext.4242 - Rocco Morabito, Assistant Manager, Media Resources
(212) 229-8923 ext.4242
Hashem Eaddy
Facilities Manager, Media Resources
Rocco Morabito
Assistant Manager, Photography & Media Resources
Sebastian Alexander Bass
Technician, Photography & Media Resources
Tim Colose
Technician, Photography & Media Resources
Casey Kaufman
Technician, Photography & Media Resources
Ben Lam
Technician, Photography & Media Resources
María del Mar Hernández Gil de Lamadrid
Technician, Photography & Media Resources
Jordon Soper
Technician, Photography & Media Resources
Patricia Voulgaris
Technician, Photography & Media Resources