
ParsonsMAKES Workshops

What is Parsons MAKES?

PARSONS MAKES!  workshops are completed for this Spring Semester!  Hope you found a method or material that is helping you make all that you imagine!

Please tell your friends and classmates and have them fill out the brief form to get the most up-to-date info when we start up again next semester! Let’s ALL get to MAKING!


PARSONS MAKES! is a school-wide pilot program of workshops available to students across all Parsons schools and programs. The goal of these workshops, after taking the safety orientations, are to get you into the many Making Center shops and labs and actually MAKE something with the materials, methods, and equipment available to you! 

We are continuing and expanding on what we started last semester: a series of 5 Basic Workshops. In a 3 hour workshop you will complete the process of making something ‘basic’ using specific tools + equipment from our Shops/Labs as well as a step-by-step guide of what you just did as reference for future use in the Making Center! These Basic Workshops are a hands-on, exploratory space to learn the very basics of what our shops/labs are capable of making.

Please fill out this brief form to let us know about your interest to attend!  


Workshop Schedule

Intro to Woodworking
Workshop Prerequisite(s) to attend Dates

Learn to measure, cut, and assemble a simple wooden box with a lid. You will get comfortable using the bandsaw, drill press, belt sander, drill gun, and combination square in the N2 shop.

Location: N2 General Shop, 66 5th Ave, 2nd Fl

Instructor: Abraham McNally

Completed online and hands-on components of Shop/Lab Safety Orientations:

  1. Making Center General Orientation
  2. N2 General Shop // Tier 1 wood orientation

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Mechanical Pencil + Sketchbook
  3. Appropriate attire for working in the Wood Shop: Close-toed shoes/no heels, hair pulled back, no dangly or loose clothes.

Fall 22: TBA


Intro to Laser Cutting + Etching
Workshop Prerequisite(s) to attend Dates

Lasers! This workshop will consist of learning the basics of editing an Adobe Illustrator file for proper preparation to use the Universal Lasers at The Making Center. We will learn how to make a simple box with an image engraved on it. We will also cover how to operate the laser for multiple materials.

Location: Laser Lab, 25 East 13th St, 4th Fl

Instructor: David Thonis

Completed online and hands-on components of Shop/Lab Safety Orientations:

  1. Making Center General Orientation
  2. Laser Lab Orientation
  3. Basic understanding of Adobe illustrator

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet with Adobe Illustrator installed
  2. USB drive
  3. A simple greyscale image on a USB Drive Example. car, portrait, cartoon – Images with variations in the shadows work better than harsh contrast for photorealism.

Fall 22: TBA

Getting to Know the Domestic Sewing Machine
Workshop Prerequisite(s) to attend Dates

Learn to use the portable Singer domestic sewing machine and make a personalized drawstring bag! Practice threading the machine + bobbin, understand and apply the basics of stitches, and feel comfortable with the particulars of the machine’s basic functions and parts to sew what you want as well as problem-solve when it jams!

Location: Domestic Sewing Machines,
Meet at Tool Check-Out: 2 West 13th St, 2nd Fl

Instructor: Wennie Huang or Robert Hickman

Completed ONLINE components of Shop/Lab Safety Orientations:

  1. Making Center General Orientation
  2. Complete Online part of Orientation” **Please note, you will complete the Hands-On component of this Orientation at the Workshop

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Scissors, Pencil, Ruler, Marker, Sketchbook, Tape
  3. Simple drawn image or logo or initials: print this out ahead of time or draw/trace during workshop (computer w/ illustrator if you want to trace from the screen)

Fall 22: TBA

Intro to the Industrial Sewing Machine Workshop
Workshop Prerequisite(s) to attend Dates

Learn and practice using the Juki Industrial straight stitch sewing machine by making a durable, lined, canvas tote!

Location: Juki Industrial Machines
UC: 63rd Fifth Ave, Room: Mondays in U406

Saturdays in U504

Instructor: Micki Watanabe-Spiller

Completed ONLINE components of Shop/Lab Safety Orientations:

  1. Making Center General Orientation
  2. UC Sewing: General Orientation
  3. Online part of UC: Juki Industrial Plainstitch Orientation **Please note, you will complete the Hands-On component of this Orientation at the Workshop

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Pencil, Ruler, Scissors (fabric)
  3. OPTIONAL: scraps/upcycled thicker materials such as leather, vinyl, denim with different prints

Fall 22: TBA

Intro to Plaster Casting and Alginate Molds
Workshop Prerequisite(s) to attend Dates

This workshop offers basic instruction on the practical aspects of mold making and casting. Students are introduced to alginate and casting plaster. They will learn how to mix plaster properly and will be introduced to simple life casting techniques. Walk away with an exact plaster cast replica of your hand and arm or fingers!

2 West 13th St,Room:

Thursdays:  L511

Saturday: L503

Instructor: Carolyn Salas or Derek Haffar

Completed online and hands-on components of Shop/Lab Safety Orientations:

  1. Making Center General Orientation
  2. Wet Lab Orientation

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Small container of Vaseline or petroleum jelly
  3. Recycled plastic/paper cups/yogurt containers
  4. Appropriate attire for working with plaster: close-toed shoes/no heels, hair pulled back, clothes that can get dirty.

Fall 22: TBA

Speciality Workshop: Drypoint - Intro to Small Press Printmaking
Workshop Prerequisite(s) to attend Dates

In this workshop, students will experience one of the simplest methods of making an intaglio print and create black and white or color prints on an etching press. Learn drypoint materials and methods such as inscribing with a twisted scribe, inking, wiping, preparing paper, running the press and creating a print.

2 West 13th St, Room: L503

Instructor: Alaiyo Bradshaw

This Specialty workshop does NOT require a Print Shop Safety Orientation BUT you will not have access to the Print Shop Shop after the workshop unless you take a specific printmaking class and  the safety orientation

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Create two interpretive drawings of a story you enjoy on 5” x 7” paper to use as subject matter. Put them on tracing paper or scan and print them in reverse. This way, the etchings will not print out backward when running through the printing press.


Speciality Workshop: Intro to Non-Ferrous Metals + Cold Connections
Workshop Prerequisite(s) to attend Dates

In this workshop, students will be introduced to the basics of non-ferrous, hand-held metal working. Learn to cut, drill, saw, and sand Copper or Brass and create cold-connections though riveting to create a small object for your body.

25 East 13th St, 4th FL: Non-Ferrous Metal Shop

Instructor: Heechan Kim

This Specialty workshop does NOT require a Metal Shop Safety Orientation BUT you will not have access to the Non-Ferrous Metal Shop after the workshop unless you take a specific metal class and  the safety orientation

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Sketchbook, Pencil, Sharpie, Scissors, Olfa Blade, Tape, Small Metal Ruler
  3. Appropriate Attire: closed-toes shoes, no heels, hair up, etc



Speciality Workshop: Clay Hand-Building Techniques
Workshop Prerequisite(s) to attend Dates

In this workshop we’ll dive into the basics of working with your hands in clay. You’ll be introduced to  hand-building techniques and make a coil-formed container and a slab cup or vase.

2 West 13th St, Room: L503

Instructor: TBA

Completed online and hands-on components of Shop/Lab Safety Orientations:

  1. Making Center General Orientation
  2. Wet Shop: Ceramics  orientation

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Sketchbook and Pencil/Pen
  3. Willingness (and appropriate attire) to get a little dirty!
  4. OPTIONAL: Items you can stamp or roll into clay to create pattern/texture/decoration





Intro to Woodworking

Learn to measure, cut, and assemble a simple wooden box with a lid. You will get comfortable using the bandsaw, drill press, belt sander, drill gun, and combination square in the N2 shop.

Location: N2 General Shop, 66 5th Ave, 2nd Fl

Instructor: Abraham McNally

Prerequisite(s) to attend

Completed online and hands-on components of Shop/Lab Safety Orientations:

  1. Making Center General Orientation
  2. N2 General Shop // Tier 1 wood orientation

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Mechanical Pencil + Sketchbook
  3. Appropriate attire for working in the Wood Shop: Close-toed shoes/no heels, hair pulled back, no dangly or loose clothes.

Fall 22: TBA


Intro to Laser Cutting + Etching

Lasers! This workshop will consist of learning the basics of editing an Adobe Illustrator file for proper preparation to use the Universal Lasers at The Making Center. We will learn how to make a simple box with an image engraved on it. We will also cover how to operate the laser for multiple materials.

Location: Laser Lab, 25 East 13th St, 4th Fl

Instructor: David Thonis

Prerequisite(s) to attend

Completed online and hands-on components of Shop/Lab Safety Orientations:

  1. Making Center General Orientation
  2. Laser Lab Orientation
  3. Basic understanding of Adobe illustrator

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet with Adobe Illustrator installed
  2. USB drive
  3. A simple greyscale image on a USB Drive Example. car, portrait, cartoon – Images with variations in the shadows work better than harsh contrast for photorealism.

Fall 22: TBA

Getting to Know the Domestic Sewing Machine

Learn to use the portable Singer domestic sewing machine and make a personalized drawstring bag! Practice threading the machine + bobbin, understand and apply the basics of stitches, and feel comfortable with the particulars of the machine’s basic functions and parts to sew what you want as well as problem-solve when it jams!

Location: Domestic Sewing Machines,
Meet at Tool Check-Out: 2 West 13th St, 2nd Fl

Instructor: Wennie Huang or Robert Hickman

Prerequisite(s) to attend

Completed ONLINE components of Shop/Lab Safety Orientations:

  1. Making Center General Orientation
  2. Complete Online part of Orientation” **Please note, you will complete the Hands-On component of this Orientation at the Workshop

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Scissors, Pencil, Ruler, Marker, Sketchbook, Tape
  3. Simple drawn image or logo or initials: print this out ahead of time or draw/trace during workshop (computer w/ illustrator if you want to trace from the screen)

Fall 22: TBA

Intro to the Industrial Sewing Machine Workshop

Learn and practice using the Juki Industrial straight stitch sewing machine by making a durable, lined, canvas tote!

Location: Juki Industrial Machines
UC: 63rd Fifth Ave, Room: Mondays in U406

Saturdays in U504

Instructor: Micki Watanabe-Spiller

Prerequisite(s) to attend

Completed ONLINE components of Shop/Lab Safety Orientations:

  1. Making Center General Orientation
  2. UC Sewing: General Orientation
  3. Online part of UC: Juki Industrial Plainstitch Orientation **Please note, you will complete the Hands-On component of this Orientation at the Workshop

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Pencil, Ruler, Scissors (fabric)
  3. OPTIONAL: scraps/upcycled thicker materials such as leather, vinyl, denim with different prints

Fall 22: TBA

Intro to Plaster Casting and Alginate Molds

This workshop offers basic instruction on the practical aspects of mold making and casting. Students are introduced to alginate and casting plaster. They will learn how to mix plaster properly and will be introduced to simple life casting techniques. Walk away with an exact plaster cast replica of your hand and arm or fingers!

2 West 13th St,Room:

Thursdays:  L511

Saturday: L503

Instructor: Carolyn Salas or Derek Haffar

Prerequisite(s) to attend

Completed online and hands-on components of Shop/Lab Safety Orientations:

  1. Making Center General Orientation
  2. Wet Lab Orientation

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Small container of Vaseline or petroleum jelly
  3. Recycled plastic/paper cups/yogurt containers
  4. Appropriate attire for working with plaster: close-toed shoes/no heels, hair pulled back, clothes that can get dirty.

Fall 22: TBA

Speciality Workshop: Drypoint - Intro to Small Press Printmaking

In this workshop, students will experience one of the simplest methods of making an intaglio print and create black and white or color prints on an etching press. Learn drypoint materials and methods such as inscribing with a twisted scribe, inking, wiping, preparing paper, running the press and creating a print.

2 West 13th St, Room: L503

Instructor: Alaiyo Bradshaw

Prerequisite(s) to attend

This Specialty workshop does NOT require a Print Shop Safety Orientation BUT you will not have access to the Print Shop Shop after the workshop unless you take a specific printmaking class and  the safety orientation

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Create two interpretive drawings of a story you enjoy on 5” x 7” paper to use as subject matter. Put them on tracing paper or scan and print them in reverse. This way, the etchings will not print out backward when running through the printing press.


Speciality Workshop: Intro to Non-Ferrous Metals + Cold Connections

In this workshop, students will be introduced to the basics of non-ferrous, hand-held metal working. Learn to cut, drill, saw, and sand Copper or Brass and create cold-connections though riveting to create a small object for your body.

25 East 13th St, 4th FL: Non-Ferrous Metal Shop

Instructor: Heechan Kim

Prerequisite(s) to attend

This Specialty workshop does NOT require a Metal Shop Safety Orientation BUT you will not have access to the Non-Ferrous Metal Shop after the workshop unless you take a specific metal class and  the safety orientation

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Sketchbook, Pencil, Sharpie, Scissors, Olfa Blade, Tape, Small Metal Ruler
  3. Appropriate Attire: closed-toes shoes, no heels, hair up, etc




Speciality Workshop: Clay Hand-Building Techniques

In this workshop we’ll dive into the basics of working with your hands in clay. You’ll be introduced to  hand-building techniques and make a coil-formed container and a slab cup or vase.

2 West 13th St, Room: L503

Instructor: TBA

Prerequisite(s) to attend

Completed online and hands-on components of Shop/Lab Safety Orientations:

  1. Making Center General Orientation
  2. Wet Shop: Ceramics  orientation

What YOU need to bring with you:

  1. Computer or Tablet to receive and open Student Workshop Hand-Out
  2. Sketchbook and Pencil/Pen
  3. Willingness (and appropriate attire) to get a little dirty!
  4. OPTIONAL: Items you can stamp or roll into clay to create pattern/texture/decoration






Who Can Attend?

The Parsons Makes workshops are open to all undergraduate students and graduate students for the Fall (22) semester.

If you’re a First Year student, these Basic Workshops are now available to you! You will have access to the Making Center Labs + Shops through some of your classes. We are working with those faculty to coordinate your access to these workshops.

If any of the following apply to you, these Workshops are for you!

  • I’m just excited to try a method or tool and haven’t had the opportunity in my classes so far
  • I’m a sophomore who normally would be introduced to these labs/shops methods in FY curriculum but missed them due to the remote school year
  • I’m a junior or senior who had an intro to these First year but have forgotten the basics after a year remote and just want to brush up again
  • I’m a student who is excited about a process, tool, or method but my program doesn’t offer it and/or I couldn’t get into an elective that encapsulates it
  • I’m worried I will be “behind” going into my sophomore year because I missed using the Making Center last year (P.S. you aren’t behind! Learning is a process and this is all just part of it for you)
  • I’m excited to meet and learn with students from different programs

Are there any Prerequisites to attend?

  • These Basic Workshops are a hands-on, non- threatening space to learn the very basics of what our shops/labs are capable of, therefore there will be very few prerequisites to attend
  • The most important prerequisites to attend and complete will be the Safety Orientations for the Shops and Labs associated with your Basic Workshop.  All Basics Workshops require that you have completed the online Making Center General Orientation.  Additional shop-based orientations associated with the Basic Workshop you are attending are noted in the Workshop Schedule above.
  • Other prerequisites will be minimal and updated as the workshops develop. Examples might include bringing an illustrator file or scanning a sketchbook page. These Basic Workshops are an INTRODUCTORY space after all!

Common Questions

Do These Workshops replace the Shop and Lab Orientations?

The PARSONS MAKES! workshops do NOT replace the required Shop/Lab Orientations. The purpose of our current Shop/Lab orientations is to review health and safety aspects of the tools and labs. The Basic Workshops will act as a companion to the Shop/Lab Orientations by reiterating/reinforcing what was learned as well as expand to become more specific around the making that can happen within these shops and labs!

Will there be Intermediate/Advanced Workshops?

Specialty Workshops were introduced in the Spring 22. These are a place where the more granular knowledge of our faculty and techs can be shared within the context of deepening the capabilities of what is possible within our shops/labs as well as more specific techniques and methods!

Over the next few years, the goal is to run the Basic workshops each semester as well as a rotation of the specialty/intermediate/advanced workshops.

Please fill out this brief form to let us know what kind of workshops you would be interested in!